Dog latin -
Dog Latin or cod Latin is a phrase or jargon that imitates Latin,often by "translating" English words (or those of other languages) into Latin by conjugating or declining them as if they were Latin words. Dog Latin is usually a humorous device mocking scholarly seriousness. It can also mean a poor-quality attempt at writing genuine Latin.
Also see cockney
rhyme slang
Example, apples and pears = stairs
Army & navy = gravey
Bubble & Squeek = Greek
Brown bread = dead
Trouble and strife = wife
Boat race = face
Baked bean = queen
Bottle & stopper = copper
On the floor = poor
Oily rag = fag ( cigarette)
Septic tank = yank
Unlike the similarly-named language game Pig Latin (a form of spoken code popular among young children), Dog Latin is more of a humorous device for invoking scholarly seriousness, especially when creatively used in nomenclature and naming convention